Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Due Date

As of right now, I am 6 weeks and 4 days. My first Doctor's appointment is June 5th, which is when I will be 8 weeks along. We are hoping that via ultrasound we will be able to see the heartbeat, since we cannot audibly hear it yet. I think once we go to the doctor, it will seem so much more real! It has been an adjustment, especially for me not drinking any caffiene ( I LOVE coffee). After the first trimester, if its ok with my doctor, I may have a little caffiene now and then.


  1. Be sure to post a current photo of yourself and both will change. LOL! We are so excited and happy for you both. I can't wait to start buying stuff.

  2. I am so excited!!! This is a great way for all of us to watch your belly grow!! ; ) Love you and so excited to be an aunty!!

    - Britt

  3. Congrats you guys! We are so happy for you two! Can't wait to see some pics! Good luck with the no caffiene! You can do it!! Love ya!

    Brooke and Jon

  4. haha! thanks! yea I miss going to McDonalds to get my coffee in the mornings!
